Celebratory Post- Am back!

Hi guys!

    It's been a while (lol, a year perhaps?) but am back and I want to post something celebratory cuz of good things happening lately in my life. :) I have been in a whirl wind of so much emotions and problems in the past and now little by little I progressed from nothing to something! Haha!

  Anyways, while I was walking awhile ago to pay the bills and of course deposit some money to my bank, I was thinking about blogging and how I miss writing, so here I am again to write and this time of course I'm sooo happy to be back! Whohooo!!!!
Anyways here are the reason's why I celebrate today! :D

1.Going to School again!

      Cuz I do believe I need to level up. :) Well, the only way for me to get to where I want in my career is to study more so that's what I'm going to do.

2. I'm not a wallflower anyomore!

     I was once a shy type, a silent girl and the ones who doesn't even give a care to anyone at all cuz they don't care about me either, but that was before! Now I'm a social weird type 9lol) No, I mean I started to open up my horizons and be an open type girl! 

3. I have good work friends and family
    I love them to bits! Everyone is different but I don't care!

4. I love my family. 

5. I have big Japanese eyes now!


6. I feel like a model haha!

       Just a thought. But hey, it does boost confidence in me. For once I can say that I feel/am a model haha

A scary one though.
This one is my fave even though I look fat and my nose of course looks even flatter.

7. And Finally....

     I'm gonna have a vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!(cuz I have been saving and working my butt off so I need one! actually.... )I have been wanting one! I first wanted to travel outside of the country but since I'm late I just decided to travel in my very own country, plus it's way cheaper too! 

CALAGUAS ISLAND (no filter needed for this beautiful island) 

Puerto Galera (Port of Galleon- way back in the Spanish Colonization Era)

Photos are courtesy to the travel blogs that I have read in Google.
