
    Been busy with work lately that I forgot to write/ blog. Anyway my little sister wasn't able to enroll for this Month. We took it as a sign that UP (another school of choice) for her might call and give us a shot since she is just .2 below the average score for the entrance test, we asked for a reconsideration and the school told us that they will give us a call before enrollment starts. I do hope this will be IT this time!

 With regards to work even though my job is so damn exhausting, I'm still enjoying it (take not of the STILL word) because of the fulfillment of saving and caring for patients plus meeting people of different background. But there are downside of meeting people with different backgrounds and preferences, like today for instance, a guardian of a patient of mine went to me and started a conversation, once we were both comfortable talking with each other she went to ask if I have kids, I told her I was single and she hooted on another friend of hers and shouted " Ma'am nurse is single, you can drive her to work everyday!" and her friend got angry. Well, we chatted I guess around 20 minutes when she asked to look at my ID and asked for my number.  For me that went to far, She in the first place isn't a she though if you know what I mean plus she wants me to be her textmate! There I told her that I'm sorry and I couldn't give my own number because it's forbidden. It was a little weird for me because she was persistent and asked me many times. Thank God she left. Lol.

   I'm anticipating for the weeks ahead, On the 28th will be my little niece's 5th birthday! She was like " Aunty Cha, dont forget my gift on April 28!" and speaking of gifts, I dont have anything to give her T.T Waaahhhh! Suggestions for an active little girl who loves to play outside! PLEASE! Thank you! Plushies wont work, she's A DESTROYER! On the 5th and 6th of May will be my much awaited out of the city getaway and on the 8th will be Houshi's Birthday!!!!!!!! Nyahahaha!!!!! Whoooooo!

That will be all! Till next post!


  1. Hi there, Charmaine!

    A small tricycle perhaps or a good book that will encourage her to read more? Looking forward to more of your posts. Care to link exchange? Farida :)

  2. thank you! :) Sure, am willing to link exchange! Thanks for following!


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