Weeky Happenings

    It's been a while and a lot had happened this past few weeks, some good and some bad.  Maybe you guys read about my high school friend's passing.It was painful to see her leave. :( It's about a week now since she left and still many of us had not yet recovered. I know she's in a good place now.
    The Inaugural was one event that Carmel and I attended last June 30. It was super fun! Thanks to the free passes kahit papaano naka-upo kami even though the sun was sizzling hot. We felt that our umbrella was no use to the hundreds and thousands of people there to witness with us. If we did used our payongs baka kinuyog na kami ng mga tao (lol) kasi di nila makikita. Hahaha!

    I also had fun at the Toycon. There were lots of stuff there. Too bad I had no money. If I have would be buying everything I fancy (lol)

    My completion cases made me busy too. I actually just had 2 hours of sleep yesterday because my duty that Saturday was 2pm until 6am and 2pm until 10pm of Sunday (yesterday) I still have to complete 16 more deliveries and  2 sutures before I file my case to PRC. 

    I am now ready to rest at least for a week. Thank you God and thank you Ma'am Labudahon for not giving me a schedule this week. Haha! Will be off to another toxic week, next week as it is the start of my other priorities and also the start of my ICU training..

Here are some of the pics:
                                         Carmel and I at the Inauguration                                                                                              Laban!
                                    Sun Burn :( due to inauguration sun exposure

                                          Am Sunflower from Plants Vs Zombies

                                        While waiting for my Order at KFC

