
You'll never know unless you try is a cliche, it has been over used many times and I guess everyone had read this lines in books, articles, posters etc but I've found much truth in overheard phrase. I have been that little girl once who always plan things ahead and when I am on the verge of doing those things everything falls apart then I would just forget about it and start on another thing that I get interested in. I never was able to finish anything but now as I have grown and was able to "TRY" and "KNOW" and eventually "SUCCEED". This time as I face new challenges again ahead of me I will "TRY" to face the challenges and discover things that I have not discovered within myself. I'll explore my capabilities and know what I can do and not. Let me say I would extend my limits to greater heights. This is for me to grow even more and for me to further succeed in life. You'll never know unless you try.
