TopGift Items

Looking for the right gift to give this Christmas? Aha! You've come to the right place (lol) Read more to see what's in store! hehehe 1. First you have to list down the people that you are going to give gifts to. Usually the "Loved ones" or the "Nearest Kins" are the top priority. 2. Window shop a week or two before your actual shopping day, this will help you check out all the prices of the stuffs you want to give and will also give you an ease to look for or reserve some stuffs in advance, it will also help you in familiarize the places/ stalls where those items are placed. 3. Think of the person's personality or think of anything that the person would like to have for Christmas which would help you get him/her the perfect gift. 4. Always bring extra cash even though your on a budget so you may never know if you'll get short. 5. Never forget to bring your list so you can keep track of whom/ which present you still haven't bought. 7. If you do not know of what to give then it is never wrong to buy something that is all the same for example bags for everyone in your list. Of course a little mix and matching will help so at least each of them will have a different version/ color of the bag. 8. Always remember, that whatever it is you give, a letter, a pendant or even a bookmark as long as it given willingly from the heart it will be the greatest present ever for the receiver. After all whatever it is, it's the thought that counts. :) Back to the Gift Ideas: 1. Good Books are a no fail to those book readers/ book lovers or even non book readers at all who are in need of inspiration. Book Sale is the place where you can get good books that are so way cheaper than any Power books or National Bookstore combined! Yup! You just have to search through the books to find good reads. Some books that are on sale for 10 or 20 pesos are used but in good conditions while hardbound books that have been from school libraries cost 35 pesos. New books and other hardbounds costs 75-145 pesos! Yes! That cheap! :D Yay! You can find anything from How to's, Coffee shop books, Pocket books, Adventure/Romance Books, Children's books and even Reviewers and College books! 2. If your a wealthy gift giver gadgets are the best to give out! Specially this sale season all gadget stores are in their Christmas Sales. From cellphones to laptops your friends and loved one's will be in for a good treat! Of course to those who are really into music some mp3 or i-pop nano or touch wouldn't hurt! For those who really are techies laptops or cameras will do! If you are a gadget giver but is not into that high costing gifts you can give out psp computers to your favorite boy friend or a dvd compact to your hearthrob cousin! Some of these low costing gadgets can be found at Quiapo and Raon. You just have to check on those gadgets because some are not working when they give it tor some are just fake. 3. Clothes and shoes are always a no fail gift for Christmas! Specially for your stylish best friend who would love designer clothes and for your bratty sister who always look like a gothic star instead of emo. (lol) You can find clothes at Sm department/ Robinsons stores everywhere since all designer brands are on sale and are on 50% off! Of course you can always fake that designer brand clothes and shoes at Divisoria or any tiangge/bazaar store around because everything there is sooooo waaay cheap and some of them too comes from Korea so you know how the clothes have some asian vibe into it. :) You'll be saving a lot if you buy from these stores! 4. Home decorations and Kitchen supplies would be best given to moms and your aunties who would always freak out if the house isn't clean. Yeah, Maybe some bed covers and some toaster oven wouldn't hurt (if they still don't have a toaster) maybe a cute mug that they say's "The best Mom in the world" would do. Or if mom still has that old lamp shade you could always get her a new one! 5. Some dads has their stuffs everywhere! You could give out to your dads or uncles some organizer box containers or maybe a cabinet to place their stuffs in. They always have those papers, some are envelopes around the house and they can't seem to find em, so might as well give those to your dads for Christmas. They will really thank you for it! 6. Every kid loves toys! Even I! (lol) Instead of barbie dolls or toy guns for Christmas you could give those little neices and nephews and cousins of yours some educational toys this time. You could give out board games to those who are 7 and above and some puzzles to those who are 3 and below. This could enrich their minds plus will also keep them busy on Christmas day so you wouldn't be searching for them every eating or family picture time. :) These are some of my Gift Ideas/Items that I hope would help you on your shopping this Holiday. :) I do hope that you find the perfect gift to those whom you love. Merry Christmas
