The woman in Yellow

     I am not one of her family members nor do I know her personally. I wasn't even born when she and a million of other Filipinos fought in Edsa with prayers, songs and faith against a dictator. I have known her in history books and even passed a history quiz because she was the answer to the question in the bonus item. At God's truth I didn't even care out my country then, all I thought was myself, as selfish as it may seem I did.

    As I grew older, she was one of the faces that I saw on the television, in rallies like Edsa II and other rallies that happened during those years and it was in 2nd year high school that I was fortunate enough to see her and know her goodness. My interest group/ club in high school went to visit Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac. We were amazed on how big it was and it was 3x bigger than the whole walled city intramuros.There were sugar cane, alcohol factories and even a mall! We went first stop to Ninoy's Museum and while I was looking at the beautiful painitngs and memorabilia of Ninoy, an old lady with big glasses wearing a dress and pair of slippers caught my eye, right there when I caught a glimpse of her I knew who she was. She was talking to some of her foreign guest. She instantly saw us, smiled a smile that made us all smile back and feel at home. She excused herself to her guests to entertain us and lead us to this mini theater where we watched a short film about Ninoy.

   Another encounter was the time that she went to visit schools and pray for peace and it was another fortunate event for me and my school that she went to my school (high school) to pray the rosary. All qc schools came (because with what I have remembered it was the culminating that all QC schools are to pray.. anyways) and we even welcomed her with flags and ribbons, we prayed with her for peace together with the different schools and we even did the action song "Heal our Land".

   From those encounters, I knew that she was a fighter. A prayerful woman and for heaven's sake The Former President of the Philippines. Based on my encounters she was a very strong, intelligent and a Mother of all Filipinos. I have read on books what she has done for our country, she was never corrupt. I have heard from the people who knew her something about her that was different, there was always something new and something to be proud of.

One thing I will never forget about this interview with a woman who was I think with her in Malacanang during her reign. She asked Cory if her Cancer was the most painful and hardest part of her life and Cory answered, "No, its not." and she also said something that her country's pain was more important. She wants our country to be happy and free.

   As Patricia Evangelista ended her column "I believe that the next dragon fighter is still alive as Cory's flames still lives on." I do agree.
