The Starbucks Place

   We have been currently hanging out in Starbucks for a month because of doing lots of paper works and lots of reviewing,  Starbucks became our Hang Out place every week and I seem to miss the cozy ambiance and the smell of fresh coffee right now. :( 

Anyway, the staffs of this Starbucks near us are really approachable and friendly, they make us feel at home every time we visit and always gives us free stuffs every time. Since we are frequent customers they already have memorized our names and our common orders. :) 

My faves are the Oreo Cheesecake, the Chocolate Decadence Cheese Cake and for the Fraps Coffee blend would be the Dark Mocha Frappucino  ( the one I only drink) as for the cremes it would be the Caramel Creme or the Choco Chip creme :) 

Here I am with a free Starbucks Mocha frap on my right hand

Starbucks became our 2nd home after review or when we just want to go out and chill, talk or just really hang out. Since they got Free wifi and cool safe chains for your stuffs and our laptops it became an added plus for us to visit here often. :) I do not like coffee but with Starbucks anything is possible haha! (am not plugging/promoting here) 

Anways, I gotta goes! (lol) So much to do! Working gives me such a headache! Bye!
