Some issues (from my multiply blog)

With all the issues that we have right now, I seem to not care at all at the moment. I guess, sometimes we don't have to focus on all the issues that we have in our society. Geez, people have their own issues too and it's not all the time we have to focus on them.

I have issues and here are some of them

Issue no: 1


This is bigger than The Ombudsman Impeachment Issue for heaven's sake! I need to remove it FAST! and If it means I have to impeach it now I would do it!

Issue no: 2
Money Matters + NO WORK because of the hospitals not hiring nurses :(. Yes,  It's bigger than the RH Bill issue! If you don't have money, you can't do anything in your life!

Issue no. 3
The Chubby Problem, am not obese take note! But I have a huge hip, meaning those baby fats are now what you call real Tummy fats! See, my sister is pointing to my face meaning am Fat and I look so weird here! Wha~

So, yes, my Issues are more important right now than the issues today because if I can't resolve my issues I couldn't resolve the world's issues for heaven's sake. I should start from my self first before I change the world.

Or I can be like Patrick? He doesn't have much issues... well not all the time but mostly hmm....
