
Saving up some of my blog posts in multiply. :)

"You will always never be prepared." as said by my lecturer. "You will never know everything." In truth, he's right. No matter how intelligent you are there are things that you still don't know. Life is unpredictable that when you are faced with a situation you would say that you are not prepared for it. 

Just like my nearing Exam, I feel the anxiety just like the ones who took the exam before me. I can feel what they say is an agonizing itch of pain and of wanting to end the exam at 75, I can feel their fear of failing but still I am on high hopes.

 I know I don't know it all but I would answer the exam in the best of my capacity and capability after all I have studied and I have come prepared ( even I am not literally) but prepared in the sense that I armed my brain with knowledge and the rest is in the hands of God to guide me in answering wisely on the items that I don't really know.  

Life is unpredictable yes but still if you do what you have to do and let God do the rest, you will never go wrong. After all life is in the hands of God. Let him take the wheel because he will never lead you wrong but will always and forever lead you right. :) 
