My thoughts on the Rise of HIV AIDS

he increase of HIV and AIDS incidence in our country is alarming. I was able to watch Ka Tunying's Punto per Punto this morning and according to DOH, 5 of every Filipinos each day are diagnosed with this disease. I am really concerned about how our country handles this. Yes, our government is doing ways to prevent over population through contraception and protection but there is still a lack of health information dissemination. I am worried about our health centers and community centers where supposedly women and men who are engaged in GRO and club businesses should go to freely but instead they keep their health problems private. They should be encouraged and provided by the managers and bosses of these industries to check their health and see that their employees are free from any sexually transmitted diseases but that is not what is happening, they let their employees work without protection that would risk them to even more problems. If DOH can work together with the industries, they could be able to check on the health of the employees or even at least limit sexual intercourses in this kind of business. I hope that our country is not to late and I do hope that everyone will open their minds to these kind of things.
