My Thoughts about the Hostage Drama

     I too can't help but blog about yesterday's hostage taking incident that went into a bloody end. I'm sorry but I really want to air out my views about it.

    I was actually in Intramuros while the incident happened, ignorant that it was actually happening. By the time I got home I saw dozens of post all over about a bus being hostage by a police and I thought that this was just an ordinary incident but when I watched the news that Mr. Mendoza did that just to catch the attention of the media I was complacent that he wouldn't do anything bad. In fact he released dozens of hostages through out the day. Mom and I researched about him and saw that he was indeed a good man, a good son but was a victim also of a justice that he never got. He was removed from his job, was sue and had a case under the ombudsman, he want's justice because he himself was a victim.

      By the evening when my parents were home, Papa was watching the news, his brother and his family was taken into custody, taken harshly by our police. Then I heard gun shots and news casters running just to cover the event. I went to look at what's happening on our tv screen and saw our police team cowardly breaking the window sheild and the door of the bus while gun shots and tear gases exploded. Another gun shot and our so called heroic police team couldn't control themselves and went on firing, so Mr. Mendoza fired back too and yes, you all know what happened in the end. Missed bullets, gun shots many were injured, many died mostly were the tourists and one of which was the taker Mr. Mendoza.

      What I want to point out his how our police team responded to the situation. All was good but when they got Mr. Mendoza's brother and said that he was an accessory of the crime, got his family and forced them. Who wouldn't be angry? Mr. Mendoza was already not treated well and now he see's his family being treated this way? Of course who wouldn't cause havoc? I believed that Mr. Mendoza want's to protect his family too. His fear and anger caused this. He got out of hand and yes, our police team got out of hand too. My goodness it has been a very long day didn't they had a plan how to get the victims outs when Mr. Mendoza was still calm? When Mr. Mendoza shoot why did they shoot back? Of course Mr. Mendoza's shot was a warning sign out of his anger from the police. Why didn't they keep Mr. Mendoza online and always on the phone? Why did they just took the driver's answer that all of the people in the bus were dead? Didn't they know that the driver was in panic and he also doesn't know what's happening. By the time the driver was running they didn't even put spot lights on the bus for the victims to be seen clearly They just broke in like that so cowardly. Mr Mendoza was scared, everyone was scared. The police thought that killing and gunning Mr. Mendoza was the right thing to do. They crashed the window shields, gunned the bus without thinking that there are survivors. Mr. Mendoza fired back that's all what he could do. He was also scared but the policemen fired and fired. God! Why didn't they just fired once? Or just shot him on his leg or something. They didn't have to kill him. The police for me was in humane, stupid and coward. They should have waited and not made a wrong move for Mr. Mendoza to do such a thing. If they just negotiated, didn't arrested his family and talked things wouldnt end up this way. I bet they were the ones who shot the other hostages due to their firing.

   I am really sad for what happened and how things ended. I hope and pray that Mr. Mendoza through his brother and family will find justice. The good man only wanted his job back. He too is human, he only wanted to make a scene but not for this to happen. People blamed it all on Mr. Mendoza but for me and for the things that I have seen on television I would blame it all on our police.

   I hope that everyone of us learned something one way or another on this incident. I hope that our police this time would learn from their mistakes. I also hope and pray that our President would do something and the other Police officials to help our police learn other ways to manage these kinds of crisis. I suggest that our police team undergo more trainings, make them organized, make them tougher. I also suggest that they study psychology (lol) This may seem funny but if our police team learn psychology they would understand more the human brain and the human emotions.

  Fo now, let us all pray for the victims. There is nothing we can do about it as of the moment. What's done is done. What we can do for now is to continue being good citizens of our country, be vigilant with our surroundings, and be open minded. Yes, we are stained again but I know if we continue doing good and being good Filipinos we can change the world and their perspective of us again. I am positive with our new government. I know the president and his team will do what they can for each of the victims to find justice not only on this case but to every case that we pending.
