Last Year's Busy Week (From my multiply blog)

May4- House Chores
  On this day, I did all the house chores since papa was blabbing about me not helping out at home I used the day to prove him wrong. I woke up 5am to make the breakfast I marinated pork bellies a day before and viola an instant pork belly viand, I also made fried rice and fried some sunny side up eggs for breakfast. I swept the living room floor and also each room up stairs and also made some tuna for lunch since we had some left overs from the other day I just heated em up after lunch I washed the dishes and took a warm shower then made some snack for the afternoon. I got sleepy so me and dad napped a little and that was it by the evening mama was home so she was the one who prepared dinner.

May 5- Laundry/ Review Day

  This was the ultimate Laundry Day. Again I didn't went out to help at home and I did. Yup, I did the laundry all morning until 12 in the afternoon. :) Of course papa wasn't saying anything since I did what I can and I did finished all the laundry up to the undies crisped in the afternoon sun and freshly pressed by the evening. 

May 06 - Rest Day

 Not exactly Rest day because I was making some stuffs and finishing helping out with the module but at least it was good since we bonded :)

May 07 - Pre Celebration

 It was a special day since it was a very special birthday! ;) I guess I flunked the lunch treat (because I couldn't pick but still we ate) still I'm happy to celebrate it with him. The afternoon turned out unexpected because the family would be out of town to celebrate his birthday with other relatives on a private resort and unfortunately I wasn't able to come but it was ok after they had left I went to have some of a pick-me-upper Mcdonald's Sundae, walked around a little bit and went home.

May 08- Marcelino-Basilisa Esguerra Reunion

Papa rented a van so we and my mom ( lil sis was out that day) could attend my grandma's Family Reunion. It was a blast! There were many relatives that my grandma didn't know existed and my dad was glad to be able to chat with them. I was fortunate and blessed to be able to meet my grandma's relatives and of course to be able to be part of the reunion was a blessing too. Papa's other brothers and sisters couldn't come so we came to support.

Were the one's in yellow :) Dad, Mom, my nephew and Inang. The others are from the other Lineages.

May 09 - Fatima's Birthday

Had a blast and full afternoon with a high school friend ( who was my senior). She invited me to her birthday celebration at their house. Before I left home mom forced me to eat and when I got there I was forced by her mom to eat too. I was absolutely stuffed! haha! :D We went to the mall right after to watch Thor since we haven't seen it yet. We watched it in 3D and we also had free big bucket of popcorn each. :) 

So, that was my busy week and right now am craving for sushi.... Waahh!!
