In Memoriam of Kookie Uaje

My Dearest Kookie,
The last time I saw you was in 3rd year college, I happen to passed by UST's Tan Yan Kee Center and there you called me, I saw that familiar smiling face and you greeted me. That was the last. The latest was in ICU last Wednesday, taken away by God himself. I know your in a happy place now. Thank you for being my classmate in high school. Thank you for those days when we practice our plays and you believed in me that I can do my role even if it was always the role of the mother of the main character or even if I was the tree. Thank you for always saying to me "kaya mo yan Charmaine!" every time I get to speak or do things in front of class, thank you for writing me reco letters in high school and thank you for making me smile and laugh all the time. Thank you for your life and all the smiles.
Your life taught me a lesson, that is to cherish my own life and be happy be even if there are problems along the way I know, God has a will. Your life taught me that life here on earth is short, that I have to live it the best that I can and you taught me to forget the past and look into the future. Your life has brought back the reunion of our class IV-1. You made us whole again. We saw each other through you. Thank you Kookie for being my friend. Rest in Peace now in the loving presence of God. Please look down on us, guide us and also pray for us. Until we meet again.
I love you.

RIP Kookie/ Socorro Uaje
