Are you D termined enough?

Read until the end please. :) You wont regret it. It will change your outlook in life. Asking why should you read? I was searching for some books at this booksale in 168 and my mom told me to look for books that would inspire me, then she caught a glimpse of this one and showed it to me. I told her "Ma, Mahal." then she said" Walang mahal sa magandang libro." In trying to perfect the revolutionary piece of technology, the light bulb, inventor Thomas Edison conducted more than a thousand experiments. Nearly all of them failed. Somewhere along the line, a reporter asked Edison what he had learned from one thousand failed experiments . He said " I've learned one thosand ways not to invent the light bulb." We live in a brighter world because Edison conducted experiment 1,001! It's that same kind of determination that will keep you out of the dark. Never give up. Your life is worth too much to leave it half finished. God will never give up on you. Don't give up on him. If you begin a higher education degree finish it. You'll be glad you did. If you start a job, see it through the end. You'll always regret what you have leave undone. If you begin working on a personal discipline, stick to it. With a little bit of personal effort, you can do it. Finish what you start. Determination may start with a "D" but it will give you an "A" on your finals. -Stan Toler- Minute Motivators for Graduates
