
So, many things had happened this day. Just like our changing moods what we think in a day also changes.

Th day started off bad and both of us are not in the same wave lengths. Even the taxi driver was in a bad mood. At first I thought we wouldn't be talking with each other since both of us on the whole trip wasn't in good terms and I just kept silent most of the time but by the middle of the day a free brunch made us come to our senses and made us talk.

A free brunch courtesy of a BMG friend at Superbowl of China in SM Megamall removed our bad moods and made us eat away all bad vibes.

Each of us ordered a platter of our own meal. I had Golden Chicken, Ian had Lemon Chicken, Miroku had his Fish Fillet with something yummy sauce, JP had her Prawn dumplings and Prawn Siomai, we had drinks of our choice too. The food was delicious really and was stuffing too since a we tasted each of the platters that we ordered and had many rounds of Yang Chow Chinese fried rice. NOM!!!!!

By the time we went back we were talking about some problems we had encountered that morning and again there was something that we said that made us not talk again with each other.
We had coffee in the afternoon at Starbucks and was not able to talk at each other for more than 3 hours until we said something that made us talk again with each other and made us talk into common terms. I showed him a movie in youtube that talked about relationships and through this we wer able to talk about our feelings and the "what ifs" and the solutions and we were able to reflect on the flow of the years we had with each other. After that we were able to get back again and talked about the wedding that is happening that same day and time and we shared our views and it's relevance in our society. We also were able to talk about different things in politics and little did we know that we both are getting on good vibes and getting back with each other :) By the end of the day we both were able to learn something. That relationships whatever it maybe needs understanding and time. It is up to the couple and their faith with each other to make the relationship last. Love is all about sacrificing and each one will do whatever it takes to make his or her partner happy.
