Overnight Vacation

Since I've been hectic lately and my little sister kept on bugging us about her having "No Life" this vacation, Papa decided for us to join an overnight stay in Acedeo Country Resort in Pililia Rizal for their council outing. It wasn't the best resort out there and wasn't really worth the 4 hour trip ( Dad agrees too) but still it's still something new to the eyes, it's been a long time since I've seen "GREEN and BLUE".

The Council brought their very own cook so we don't have to worry about food and I tell you the food was amazing! To bad I wasn't able to take photos cuz food is like rare when you eat late there lol. Like, in 5 minutes all the food vanishes in an instant hahaha!

The main problem that we had was with the cottage. It was a small for the council since parents brought their families with them and the cottage only had 3 rooms, so some of them stayed to sleep in the tree house or in the living room and the balcony plus we couldn't sleep because of the lack of air conditioning, the electric fans were not working properly / no proper air ventilation and there was only one AC in the cottage, so it was really very hot!

Non the rest we still enjoyed the relaxing scenery that made us getaway from the city.

Shot from the Tree House

Entrance to Heaven!

I swear it's totally hot T.T

 My sister reading

The Well Of Death 

 You have now seen my fat stomach >.<

Family Shot

Tree House


