Cousin's Wedding

Last Saturday, May 19 was my cousin's wedding to the woman of his life. Since it's the first wedding that ever happened to our family and clan we were all there to support him. :)

My dad and my aunt was one of the Ninongs and Ninangs, my niece was the flower girl and my other cousins the ring bearer and the best man. It was a very simple but beautiful wedding. The reception was held in our residence in Pulilan Bulacan.

Little Athena as the Flower Girl
On the way to the Church

At our Residence in Bulacan, we dont have time to find a dress with Pink so our Family went Formal with White and Black, my pretty little sister

Mom found this dress in the baul (joke) it was an old dress from the US, I wanted to remove the sleeves but got no time. It looks good for me though :) 

At the Church Mom and lil sis

Mom and Me

Way to go Mom! Hahaha! Her shot of Papa while walking the aisle with I guess one of the Ninangs from the bride's side. 

Words from the Priest " You are one because you are created equal by God, made one through one flesh."
" Marriage is a three way system: You, your wife and God, it won't work without God."
"You and your wife are not always the same she has something that she wants and you also have something that you want that's why both of you should build your relationship with RESPECT."
