CJ Trial, Random Eat outs

Couldn't sleep right now due to the fact that votes are now being cast in the Impeachment Court. Been on twitter and it feels like reading/watching a Football match! My heart is racing and it gives me goosies to watch the senator judges saying their speech on why they would Acquit or Convict the Chief Justice.

As for me and my vote I choose to convict the Chief Justice because of all the evidences against him, he for one didn't follow the same law that he should be administering to the people plus he couldn't speak honestly or answer the questions asked for him.

I don't want to explain further lol since I'm lazy right now but all of my points of view are posted in my twitter account. :)

I'm glad that our politicians right now are speaking for what they believe is right for the people of the Philippines and also for each and everyone. I just hope that if ever the Chief Justice will be convicted our President will choose the Right Justice for the country without biases and will hold the right for the people.

Anyway as for my random eat outs. We had Bonchon before the end of our shift and Tokyo Cafe for Houshi's Bday.

Here are some pics:

My first time at BonChon, the Chops were great! I wasn't able to taste the Garlic but there was a lot of Honey flavors in it, so it was sweet to taste and crunchy too

At Tokyo Cafe

We had Tokyo Cheese Burger with Large Servings of Fries!
I so love the juicy-ness of the patty and the Japanese Mayo!!!!! 

Their Pizza was ok. Pepperoni isn't my type, wasn't that special but it was Houshi's Bday so I well obliged to eat it with him.

We also had Starbucks for dessert. Blueberry Cheesecake for me and Uhmm... Chocolate Chip? Cheesecake for Houshi. Forgot the name. 


