Lil sister's School Tour

So, a month ago I accompanied my little sister to her dream school. She of course just graduated from High school and applied in this school and obviously she passed. As much as we wanted her to enroll in this school she forgot to apply for the scholarship (before the entrance test) which will help her and us with the tuition fee which is 60,000 PHP all in all for just one semester. :(

My sister is much more gifted than I am in the field of arts. My sister is good in creative writing, drawing, video making, photography and acting while I'm a so-so writer, a wanna be photographer ( not that good in taking photos) a noob when it comes to video making but part so good in acting. So my sister unlike me is free to choose whatever course she wants which I know will let her enhance her skills more.

Anyway, so we took a tour of her school which is De La Salle Benilde School of Design and Arts

Here we were oriented about the facilities and all and we also had free food! :D

Anyway since we wont be able to get back of this school my sister and I took photos, maybe one day she could study here (for masteral or something)  :)

School of Design and Arts
According to our Tour guide the whole school is white because The school believes that the school is a huge canvass where their students will paint their own creations.
 Equipments at the equipment center where the students can borrow
Mac Center/ Computer Center where students can research 

Tablets where students can draw or sketch their creations

The School's Cafeteria on the 12th Floor

 My lil sis and photos of her that I took.

And Me. 
Clothes and Designs made by students from Fashion Class

So there you have it. :) My sis wont be able to enroll in this dream school but as we have told her it's not about the school but it's about you and how you will build your future. 
