Holy Week

I cant find any photo about what I feel lately but this one for me is a symbolism that no matter what we do or how many times we ask or react or hate him, he will always be there to support us and to love us.

What have you guys been up to this very special week? The Week before Easter is the Lenten Week in the Church's calendar and a very meaningful one too. While everyone is at their provinces praying and enjoying a whole week of vacation and spending time with their family here I am busy as a bee at working taking care of sick children and babies but then again this is my job and I believe serving these babies and taking care of them is a way of penitence, sacrifice and love you have for others. The job may be hard with so many issues but I still end the day successful with all orders from doctors carried out, and patients who are happy and satisfied with my service all thanks to our Lord.

Lately, I've forgotten about him and neglected him, I saw him today resting at the church and I remembered that today he died for us and for our sins but since I was so busy thinking about different things I forgot to pray and thank him of today and the things he had done for me. I only remembered him when I was on my way home and was asking for something from him in my head. I felt ashamed and his image flashed before me. :( I kept on asking him and praying for things but I forgot about him today. His image and his body was a sign for me and yet I neglected him.

I'm sorry dear Jesus. I know you already have forgiven me. I'm really sorry. :(

Here are some of our Traditions during Holy Week:

Most of our elders specially in the provinces spend the holy week in chapels reading and singing the bible. The highlight of the "Pabasa" (To Read) is when the elders sing about how Christ journeyed from Nazareth until he was crucified and brought to life. 

The Penitensya (Penitence) where in mostly male Christians belief they will be cleaned of from their sins if they feel what Christ felt. They walk half naked and bare foot for miles and wound their backs with broken (sterile) glass and whip their backs while walking until it bleed.They will end their penitence by soaking in the river where miraculously all their wounds will be healed in an instant. 

Visita Iglesia (Visiting Church) During Maundy Thursday and Good Friday we usually visit 13 Churches (signifying the 13 stations of the Cross) and Pray to each of the Churches stations. Families and Friends come together and pray and journey with Christ through the 13 stations. 

So there, these are some of the things we do in our country during Holy Week. 
