MOney can't buy

I would laugh if you say you won’t need money. Money is a necessity right now specially in these hard times. Money is the pot of gold in the end of the rainbow for a poor man with 7 mouths to feed or a little child who is working day and night (instead of studying) to dig for plastic bottles in every trash can he sees on the streets.

Money is a precious jewel for a family who wants their child to finish college or to a family with a relative sick and hospitalized. Money is needed in everything we do. Money makes the stock exchange go round, it also makes our politics go round or even makes love go round!

In fact people will steal or even hoard just to get money. Money is the root of all evil inside us making us do things we don’t plan we do. It makes our head spin not to have it. The sad thing is that once we have it in our hands we can’t help but to spend it in something we don’t really need and tend to forget the real reason need it in the first place. Money becomes power that brings us to destruction of our minds and our self.

The only thing we have to do is to learn how to control ourselves from the temptations that money can bring and hold on to what is important in the first place. Yes, it can buy and give us anything we want but it wont  give us the real happiness are looking for in our lives. Money wont buy us our family back or our parents back it can never buy a friend’s smile, a person’s health and someone’s peace of mind. If you yourself is under the spell of greed and pride you will loose everyone you love and the people around you. Remember that money isn’t everything there are things that money can’t buy and can’t replace.   
