
The reason that I've been on hiatus lately is because of this:
It started out when I was sleeping. I started scratching my lower leg and thought that it was just an ordinary insect bite but I was wrong, the next few days it became very itchy that i scratched and scratched and noticed that it got more swollen by the day. (T_T) So I consulted the doctor and my aunt who was a doctor and they advised me to stay at home and take some medications.  The pic above is my leg on my 2nd day of medication and is not as swollen as before.

It's painfully hard to walk so as you can see... It looks worse. I'm applying warm compress and doing occasional leg raises now.  (T0T) Praying that I get well as soon as possible so that I can get back to work and take care of my beautiful babies again in the hospital. 

Being sick though has it's perks! Hihihi! 

Papa bought me a cup of Black Forest Mousse Cake from Dezzato Pan a Japanese Bread Cafe located near our place :3 Here's the Link for the Cafe Review 

I do hope you guys wish me well! 

Wanna recover soon :D 

Thank you for reading!
